Sunday, January 6, 2008

Students pose questions at Town Hall With John McCain

Two University students asked Sen. John McCain questions during a Town Hall meeting in Salem, N.H. in which McCain faced protests from activists supporting more funding for AIDS-related causes.

The students' questions focused on issues foreign policy in the Middle East. One student, Roy Seter, a senior political science major, asked about the massive killing of Armnenians during World War 1 that the hands of the Ottoman turks which the United States has refused to declare a genocide.

McCain did not directly address the Armenian genocide, saying he "did not vote for the measure" when it came up for a vote in the Senate, but he added: "I will be glad to condemn genocide wherever it takes place."

The other student asked about McCain's policy towards Iran, to which he responded by accusing the country of harboring and supporting terrorists.

University students were not the only active participants in the Town Hall meeting. Activists stood up yelling "People are dying! You are not trying!" as they held up paper signs saying "50 million people die of global AIDS."

The protest became heated as many holding signs were escorted out of the event. As they left, McCain supporters cheered "Mac is back!"

McCain delivered his stump speech, emphasizing his support for a line-item veto to cut spending on pet projects for districts, known as pork barrel spending. "I'm going to veto every pork-barrel project," he said.

McCain took a question from a youthful voter asking what he would do for young people.

"I'll do climate change because of your generation, not because of mine," he said.

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