Monday, January 7, 2008

Kucinich on Public Access television in Manchester, N.H.

In their last event of the day, students watched a taping of public access television by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Oh.).

The show, a careful analysis of "The Bill of Rights" for Manchester Community Access Media (MCAM-TV), allowed for Kucinich, and two panelist supporters, to establish a nuanced argument for impeachment.

"It is our duty, not just our right, to move forward with impeachment if we see our laws, or international treaties, being violated," Kucinich said, receiving applause from the studio audience.

Kucinich also criticized "corporate media" for shutting him out of the ABC news, which he derided as "Disney Corp. TV," debate Saturday night at St. Anselm College.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worth investigating is the role of Jim Mangia, Lenora Fulani and Fred Newman in the Kucinich campaign via, their front group. is run by Jim Mangia, longtime operative for the Lenora Fulani/Fred Newman cult. Real shnooks. - The Newmanites and Lenora Fulani
How Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani Use Totalitarian Deception to Manipulate Social and Political Activists by Chip Berlet A Political Research Associate report